TB1984/Airstrip One

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Airstrip One
Autonomous province of Oceania
Motto: "War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength!"
Official languagesNewspeak
Demonym(s)Airstrip One
GovernmentExperimental autonomous totalitarian province
within a unitary one-party socialist republic under an authoritarian dictatorship (Oceania)
• Leader
Big Brother

Airstrip One is an autonomous province of Oceania. It is Oceania's only province in Europe, situated off the north-western coast of the continental mainland. It is comprised of two major islands, Great Britain and Ireland, and their surrounding islands collectively referred to as the British or North Atlantic Isles. It is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean, the North Sea, the English Channel, the Celtic Sea and the Irish Sea and is located close to France within Eurasia which lays on the other side of the English channel.

The autonomous province was founded in 1960, succeeding the two provinces of Great Britain and Ireland, by the ruling English Socialist Party (Ingsoc) to serve as an experiment on a planned Oceania-wide "cultural revolution". The experiment saw the province become a totalitarian dictatorship, more repressive than Oceania as a whole and, in fact, more repressive than any other society in modern history, with the entire culture and history of the British Isles wiped out and replaced with a culture and history developed by the Party to ensure total control over the population. Due to its mysterious and totalitarian nature, accurate news and information from Airstrip One is limited to both the people of Oceania and of other nations.