User:Tombricks/sandbox/JSON: Difference between revisions

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"leader": "{{wl|Jeremy Corbyn}}",
"desc": "A {{wl|left-wing}} party that supports {{wl|democratic socialistsocialism}} and has been described as {{wl|left-wing populist}}. partyIt ledsupports andholding founded bya {{wl|JeremyConvention CorbynParliament (England)|convention parliament}}. Itto supportsestablish a constitutional republic, {{wl|nationalisation}} of key services, anand {{wl|anti-imperialist}}is foreignsceptical policyof includingmembership withdrawalin fromthe {{wl|NATOEuropean Union}} and the {{wl|European UnionNATO}}. andIt theis holdingled of aby {{wl|ConventionJeremy Parliament (England)|convention parliamentCorbyn}} towho establishfounded athe constitutionalparty Ita emergedsuccessor fromto the {{wl|Socialist Campaign Group|Socialist Campaign Party}} which splithe founded as a splinter from the {{wl|Labour Party (UK)|Labour Party}}."
"labour": {
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"leader": "{{wl|Keir Starmer}}",
"desc": "A {{wl|social democraticcentre-left}} party that supports {{wl|pro-Europeansocial democracy}} party led byand {{wl|Keir Starmerprogressivism}}. It supportsadvocates thea {{wl|welfaremixed stateeconomy}}, the {{wl|progressivismwelfare state}} and continued membership in the {{wl|European Union}}. It is led by {{wl|Keir Starmer}}, was historicallyformerly the largest party of the {{wl|British left}} and has been in government multipleseveral times."
"renewal": {
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