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The Sublime State of Transcaucasia of is federation of three countries, Georgia, Armenia and Albania.

Sublime State of Transcaucasia
Flag of Transcaucasia
of Transcaucasia
Coat of arms
The International
Largest cityBaku
Official languagesArmenian, Georgian, Albanian
Demonym(s)Transcaucasian, Caucasian
GovernmentFederative Socialist State
• Leader
Stepan Shaumian
LegislatureSupreme Sublime Porte

Armenia[edit | edit source]

Sublime State of Armenia
Հայաստան վսեմ պետություն
Coat of arms
State Anthem of Armenia
Anthem of Soviet Armenia
and largest city
Official languagesArmenian
Recognised regional languagesAssyrian
GovernmentUnitary Socialist State
• General Secretary
Stepan Shaumian
LegislatureSublime Porte
• Independence from the Persian Empire
22 January 1905
• Socialist Revolution
30 May 1905

Armenia, officially the Sublime State of Armenia, is a country in West Asia, with parts of it being located on the Caucasus Region; and its bordered by Rum to the West, Assyria to the South, Georgia to the North, Albania to the East and Iran to the Southeast. The capital of the country is Tushpa.

Armenian history can be traced back to the 9th century BC, with the fist Armenian State, the Kingdom of Urartu being, stablished. The first state to be officially called Amenia was the Armenian Empire, stablished in 321 BC and enduring until being partitioned between the Roman Empire and the Sassanid Empire. It was the first state to ever officially adopt Christianity as its state Religion.

The Armenian state had brief resurgences during the Middle and Early Modern ages as breakeway states during foreign Invasions or Civil Wars, it was only on the 14th century, when the resurgent Khazar Empire conquered most of the caucasus is that Armenia finally saw a period of relatively long self determination, whomeover, this period would end when Abbas I the Great of Persian invaded the country in the early 16th century, and the armenian territory was soon taken over by Khazaria completely by the 17th century.

During the First World War, after Khazaria succumbed to revolution, Armenia declared independence in 22 of January of 1905, the first country to declare independence from the Khazars. The government was dominated by the Armenian Revolutionary Federation (Dashnaktsutyun), a party that considered itself socialist. While the party was unified on its goal of stablishing a sovereign armenian state, disagreements regarding land reform began between the president Hovhannes Kajaznuni and Stepan Shaumian and his self-described "radical" clique of revolutionaries. On 25 of May, the republic signed a treaty that allowed the stablishment of Italian military bases and forts on the city of Nakhijevan to allow for an offensive towards the Royalist-held city of Tabriz. Stepan Shaumian fiercely opposed the agreement and was expelled from the party, five days later, Stepan Shaumian a battalion of loyal soldiers took control of the capital and deposed Hovhannes Kajaznuni, on the same day Stepan Shaumian issued a declaration that the State of Armenia would follow a Communist ideological line and 'a strict police of anti-imperialism and opposition to foreign interference'.

Georgia[edit | edit source]

Sublime State of St. George
წმინდა გიორგის ამაღლებული სახელმწიფო
Coat of arms
State Anthem of Georgia
Anthem of Soviet Georgia
and largest city
Official languagesGeorgian
Recognised regional languagesAdyghe
  • 78% Christianity
  • 10% Zoroastrianism
  • 10% Buddhism
  • 2% Islam
GovernmentUnitary Socialist State
• General Secretary
Iosif Jughashvili
LegislatureSublime Porte
• Independence from the Persian Empire
26 February 1905
• Gori Commune
19 May 1905
• Armenian Invasion
26 May 1905

Georgia, officially the Sublime State of St. George, is a country in the Caucasus; its bordered by Circassia to the North, Armenia to the South and Albania to the East. The capital of the country is Tiblissi.

As it was with other nations in the Caucasus, the early history of Georgia was marked by conflict between the Roman and Sassanid Empires. By the 1st Century, Georgia was entirely controlled by the Sassanid Empire.

After the collapse of the Sassanid Empire, the region went trough a process of fragmentation until the beggining of the 9th century, when Georgia was unified in a single Kingdom. This era marked the beggining of what is called the Georgian Golden Age, where the country went trough a period of cultural renaissance in architecture, literature, philosophy and the sciences. This era was ended in the early 14th century, when the Neo-Khazar Kingdom invaded the country and razed Tiblissi, annexing the country.

During the collapse of the Neo-Khazar Kingdom due to the Great War, Georgia declared its independence on the 26 of February, 1905, as it was with its neighbour, Armenia, Georgia was led by a government that considered itself socialist. During the month of existence of this republic, the Georgian Wing of the Persian Social Democratic Party split between the radical Komunarner Party and the more moderate Demokratner Party, the Komunarner party popularity rose dramatically when the government announced that many policies such as land reform and abolishment of private property where to be postponed or reduced, even with a newfound popularity, the Demokratner Party was still more popular and pro-government demonstrations trough the entire country where common.

The discontent whoever caused Christian priest and local community leader Iosif Jughashvili to issue an official declaration to all 'Men and Woman of Faith' of Georgia to rise up against the government, trought all of Georgia demonstrations and riots broke out, the only place where the revolutionaries took direct control was on Iosif's own town, Gori. Peasant militias where raised to defend the 'Gori Commune' from a government counter-attack, when, a week later, on the 26 of May, the neighbouring state of Armenia invaded the country. The invasion lasted five days and the entirety of Georgia was occupied. On June 4th elections where held, where Iosif Jughashvili was elected as president of Armenia, tough evidence supports that the elections where fraudalent.

Albania[edit | edit source]

State of Albania
Shteti Shqiptar
Coat of arms
State Anthem of Albania
Mountains Covered in Green
and largest city
Official languagesAlbanian
  • 76% Christianity
  • 15% Zoroastrianism
  • 9% Islam
GovernmentUnitary Socialist Republic
• First Secretary
Fan Noli
LegislatureSupreme Board of Advisors
• Independence from the Persian Empire
30 January 1905

Albania, officially the Albanian State, is a country in the Caucasus region, its bordered by Georgia to the Northwest,Armenia to the Southwest, Daguestan to the North and Aryania to the South. The capital of the country is Tirana.

The Albanian nation, due to its geographical position, was always under the control of the Persian Empire. The capital, Tirana, was inhabited ever since the 5th century BC, with the rise of the Mongol, and later Russian Empire, Tirana became one of the most important ports in the Persian Empire. Because Albanian history was so intertwined with Persian history, the two countries became very close, and during times of struggle or civil war on the Persian empire, Albania generally always sided with its overlord, many nobles in the Persian empire where albanians.

This all changed with the rise of the Neo-Khazar Kingdom, which took over Albania in the 14th century, starting a long period of decline and opression. Due to the previous associations with the Persians and aswell as Islam, the Albanian ruling class went trough a period of forced conversion to Judaism, aswell as the brutal repression of any rebellious or separatist sentiments. Even with such methods, Tirana began a period of recontruction and growth during the 17th Century, when Feudalism began to fade away in Khazaria, and a new class of powerfull Albanian merchants began to appear.

This prosperous state of effairs, whomeover, began to get change during the 19th century. With the rise of Socialism and Labour organizations, the heavily urbanized, industrialized and educated Albanian region became a hotspot of Socialism and Union activity. In 1888, Tirana was the only city on Khazaria with an Union enforced 8 hour workday. The socialist activity in Albania, whomeover, did not affect its deeply religous culture.

This environment laid the perfect groundwork for the rise of Theofan Stilian Noli, Albanian scholar, writer, politician and christian archbishop, considered by many to be the father of the country. Fan Noli, as he was know, developed a theory of Religious Communism, a political ideology that synthesized Marxism and Christianity (altough in later writings, he stated that his teachings could be applied to every 'good faithed' religion). During the collapse of the Neo-Khazar Kingdom following the Great War, Albania declared its independence, with its leader being Fan Noli, who immediatly declared support for the neighbouring Armenia and Georgia.