Standalone/Corbyn regime/JSON: Difference between revisions

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"founded": "1900 \u003Csmall\u003E(as the [[w:Labour Representation Committee (1900)|Labour Representation Committee]])\u003C/small\u003E\u003Cbr\u003E1906 \u003Csmall\u003E(as the Labour Party)\u003C/small\u003E",
"ideologies": [
"[[w:Democratic socialism|Democratic socialism]]",
"leader": "[[w:Jeremy Corbyn|Jeremy Corbyn]]\u003Cbr\u003E\u003Csmall\u003E([[w:Prime Minister of the United Kingdom|Prime Minister]])\u003C/small\u003E",
"desc": "A [[w:Left-wing|left-wing]] party that has its roots in the [[w:Trade union|trade union]] movement. Since the [[w:2015 Labour Party leadership election (UK)|election]] of [[w:Jeremy Corbyn|Jeremy Corbyn]] as leader in 2015, it has solidified around a radical [[w:Democratic socialism|democratic socialist]] and [[w:Anti-capitalism|anti-capitalist]] party line. It has been in power since the [[w:2019 United Kingdom general election|2019 election]] and dominates politics through the '''Popular Front''' which is comprised of left-wing satellite groups.",
"seats": 400401,
"seats_total": 600
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"desc": "A [[w:Left-wing|left-wing]] party that supports [[w:Cooperative|co-operative]] principles alongside [[w:Democratic socialism|democratic socialist]] ideas. It is affiliated with [[w:Co-operatives UK|Co-operatives UK]] and has run candidates under the ''[[w:Labour and Co-operative Party|Labour and Co-operative]]'' label since the 1920s with all their elected representatives being members of both parties. Within the front, it works to encourages [[w:Public participation|popular participation]] in politics and society and primarily works on local initiatives.",
"seats": 127,
"seats_total": 600
"unity": {
"color": "3F1D70",
"name": "[[w:Workers Party of Britain|Unity Party]]",
"logo": "unity party.png",
"founded": "2020",
"ideologies": [
"[[w:British unionism|British unionism]]"
"leader": "[[w:George Galloway|George Galloway]]\u003Cbr\u003E\u003Csmall\u003E(Member of Parliament for [[w:Bradford West (UK parliamentary constituency)|Bradford West]])\u003C/small\u003E",
"desc": "A [[w:Left-wing|left-wing]] to [[w:Far-left|far-left]] party that advocates [[w:Socialism|socialism]] and [[w:British unionism|British unionism]] alongside a strongly [[w:Anti-imperalism|anti-imperialist]] and [[w:Anti-Zionism|anti-Zionist]] foreign policy. It is led by six-time parliamentarian [[w:George Galloway|George Galloway]] and is often considered his personal political project. Within the front, it pushes for friendlier relations with [[w:Anti-western sentiment|anti-western governments]] and is accused of appealing to a [[w:Islam|Muslim]] vote base.",
"seats": 15,
"seats_total": 600
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