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The P.C.B was founded by a group of nineteen delusioned anarcho-syndicalists in 25 of March of 1922, inspired by the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, they took up the name Communist Party of Brazil and began to be followers of Bolshevism, later Marxism-Leninism.
===Revolution of 1935===
With the coup of 1930 and the subsequent reactionary attempts are restoring the deposed government, the regime of Getúlio Vargas increasingly took a fascist caracter, that would be officialized in 1937. Seeing the developments, the P.C.BANL (Aliança Nacional Libertadora, National Libertarian Alliance) led national revolution in 1935, with an alliance of democratic elements inside the country and, under the relationshipdirect guidance of veteranthe Comintern and the P.C.B. Veteran guerrila leader Luiz Carlos Prestes was voted president of the ANL and secretley returned from his exile in Moscow, where he gave the order to start the uprising. The revolt was launched, the popular government took power in Rio Grande do Norte, but only lasted three days with the failure of the revolt in other parts of the country. The failure is largely due to the party's ignorance of the Cominterm's advice to build up support with the peasantry in semi-colonial, semi-feudal countries like Brazil.
===Split in 1961===
After the attempted revolution, the party was severely persecuted, and had to be rebuilt almost from scratch. During the Second World War, under the influence of Earl Browder, P.C.B make "peace" with the government and started adopting an electoralist position, the party was again legalised in 1945, with the fall of the EstadoGetulio's Novoregime, only to be banned again shortly after. In 1954, the party adopted a new line, where it self critised, rejecting electoralism and reaffirming its bases on Marxism-Leninism, with particular attention put to the question of the peasantry and the popular front. During this time, in 1956, the infamous 20th Congress of the CPSU happened, where Khruschev denounced Stalin and led the party to an openly revisionist path. This splitdivide would caseappear thein majority1961, ofwhere Prestes announced the dissolution of P.C.B, includingfollowing secretarythe generalinstructions Luiz Carlosof Prestes,Khruschev to liquidatecease thearmed party,struggle followingand theadopt instructionsa line of thepeaceful Khruschevitetransition. Soviet Union, it abandoned armed struggle, changingChanging the name of the party to Partido Comunista Brasileiro (Brazilian Communist Party)., Luis Carlos Prestes was opposed by Aa group of 119 cadres, that broke with PCBrasileiro with a series of fundamental documents called "The Letter of the 100" splitand from"Letter PCBto (which maintained its abbreviation)Lhruschev" and formed PCdoB, which splicity rejected the Soviet Union and electoralism, aligning itself with China and Mao Tsé-Tung tought, the leader of PCdoB was Pedro Pomar.
===Military Dictatorship and Armed Struggle===
The PCdoB would be soon tested, as in 1964, a pro-USA military coup replaced the elected government. The PCB rejected armed struggle, even with persecutionpersecutio0, whileand soon it capitulated completely, leading to the PCdoBself-imposed beganexile armedof actions.most Theof PCBits resistanceleading tomembers instructand the cadresfragmentation toof fightthe ledparty tointo manyseveral splitsgroups, withwhile the PCdoB began armed actions. The most famous onesplit of PCBrasileiro being Carlos Marighella and his group, the Aliança Libertadora Nacional (National Libertarian Alliance), another major split was PCBR, which took up the ideology of the P.C.B self criticism in 1954 and rejected Prestes capitulation.
PCdoB regrouped and, in 1967, launched a people's protracted war in the Araguaia region, in the state of Goiás, the party, homeover, did not fully adhere to Mao Tsé-Tung tough, and the People's War had a much more focoist essence, this led to, again, a split, this time in the PCdoB, where Manuel Lisboa founded the Partido Comunista Revolucionário (Revolutionary Communist Party), which sought to adhere de-facto to Mao Tsé-Tung tough rather than only in appearence. The reaction came in 1972, after year of low-level armed struggle, the army crackdown finished off the guerrilas by 1974. Pedro Pomar, leader of the PCdoB, aswell as the entire central comitte, was assasinated two years later in São Paulo. Mariguella died in 1969 and Manuel Lisboa in 1973.
PCdoB regrouped and, in 1967, launched a people's protracted war in the Araguaia region, in the state of Goiás, the party, homeover, did not fully adhere to Mao Tsé-Tung tought and commite several organizational mistakes, this led to splits in PCdoB. In 1966, several cadres who returned from China critised the Central comitte for some organizational mistakes, which led to their expulsion. Those reorganized into PCdoB (Ala Vermelha). Seeing what happened, Manuel Lisboa founded the Partido Comunista Revolucionário (Revolutionary Communist Party), PCR, and split with PCdoB, trying to adhere more stritcly to Mao Tsé-Tung tought and fixing many organizational mistakes from PCdoB.
Manuel Lisboa sought to unite many exiled brazilians under PCR, but his work was interrupted in 1973, when he was murdered by the Brazilian state, destroying PCR before it even had its first congress. The remnants of PCR united with a movement know was MR8 (Movimento Revolucionário 8 de Outubro). MR8 was formed by student cadres of former PCBrasileiro that wanted to wage armed struggle, inspired by Che Guevara, they start an urban insurgency against the military government.
PCdoB, after the splits, started a struggle in the region of Araguaia (today part of states of Mato Grosso, Tocantins and Goiás). Altoguh the guerrila caused the Military Government to panic and increase its repression in fear that the rebellion spread (fear that, as of 2023, is still implanted in the military), the region was sparsely populated and the population was not class councius. One of the principal reasons that led to the split of Manuel Lisboa was his position that the region of the Nordeste (Northeast) should be the start of the People's War, not the Araguaia, due to its more developed Semi-Feudal structures and higher population. By 1974, all the guerrilas where killed in Araguaia, the people's war had failed.
Pedro Pomar, leader of the PCdoB, aswell as the entire central comitte, was assasinated two years later in São Paulo, after a traitor ratted out the location of the metting for a large sum of money. The remnants of PCdoB, now led by João Amazonas, decreased their revolutionary activies, as all other guerrila groups where systematicall hunted down and killed. Mariguella was murdered in 1969 and the leader of PCBR, Mário Alves, was killed in 1970.
===Return of Civilian Government and Red Fraction===
In 1979, even with the death of most of organized resistance (including the student resistance, that is not mentioned in this article), the discontent with the Military government reached boiling point. During the 80's, extremely violent and popular uprising took place all over the country. Millions of workers and students took to the streets and the union movement regained strenght that was not seen for over 20 years. But with no organized movement, the social aggitation only made the government rebrand itself as "democratic". In 1988, the civilian government was restored, which sparkled new activity by the many PCB's.
In 1979, the Civilian government started to return to power, which prompted the revisinist PCB to seek legality, only to go trough an inner-party coup which liquitaded the party. With most of the leadership dead, the PCdoB was left to the opportunist João Amazonas, which rejected Mao-Tsé-Tung tough and adhered to Hoxhaism, only to again liquidate the party in 1979, following the footsteps of Prestes, que rejected armed struggle, meanwhile, Prestes himself apologised to the communist movement for his failures and his revisionism, in a later named "Carta aos Comunistas" (Letter to the Communists).
One of the groups that left the PCB in 1964 was group of university students which called themselfs MR8 (Movimento Revolucionário 8 de Outubro), inspired by Che Guevara, they start an urban insurgency against the government, only to suffer heavy losses. By 1979, the party had lost its Marxist inspirations, but inside it, fractions began to form. Inside the MR8, the "Red Fraction" was formed, inspired by the Communist Party of Peru and their People's War in the neighborring country, the Red Fraction adhered to Marxism Leninism Maoism, and started thes struggle to reconstitute the Communist Party of Brazil. Adhering to the universal aspects of Gonzalo Tought, with concentric construction, many mass organizations have appeared and taken the P.C.B as its leadership, the most notable being the Liga dos Camponeses Pobres (Poor Peasants League).
This period prompted PCBrasileiro to seek legality again, Prestes returned to Brazil with many PCBrasileiro cadres, Prestes himself, homeover, was not active in party politics. He instead dedicated himself to self-criticism. In 1988, in a document know as "letter to the communists", Prestes apologised for his actions in 1961, saying he was wrong in liquidating P.C.B. This was his final act before his death a year later. PCBrasileiro, in prepartion to create a broad front with the newly created PT, born from the Union movement of the 80's, rebranded itself as PPS (Popular Socialist Party), and managed to be legalized. Around 600 cadres rejected the rebranding and broke with PPS, reforming PCBrasileirom which lasts to this day.
PCdoB (Ala Vermelha) resisted destruction trought the entire period of military rule. But their ideological degeneration began with the return of civilian government. PCdoB (Ala Vermelha) dissapeared in the 90's, with many joining PT.
In 1979,With the Civilian government started to return to power, which prompted the revisinist PCB to seek legality, only to go trough an inner-party coup which liquitaded the party. With mostentire of the leadership dead, the PCdoB was left to the opportunist João Amazonas, which rejected Mao-Tsé-Tung tough and adhered to Hoxhaism, only to again liquidate the party in 1979, following the footsteps of Prestes, quehe rejected armed struggle, meanwhile,at Prestesthe himselfsame apologisedtime tothat thePrestes communistself movementcritised. forPCdoB hiswas failureslegalized andin his1985 revisionism,after inofficially adisowning laterMarxism-Leninism, namedthe "Cartaparty aos Comunistas" (Letterexists to thethis Communists)day.
MR8 had disowned Marxism-Leninism since 1979, and had ceased armed struggle, instead acting as a fraction inside MDB, the Brazilian Democratic Movement, main constitutional opposition force during the period of Military rule. During the period of return of civilian rule it achieved legality and split from MDB, the party rebranded itself as PPL (Partido Pátria Livre), Free Fatherland Party. The party existed until 2019, when it dissolved and its cadres joined PCdoB.
In 1995, two groups split from MR8, former members of PCR refomed the party, now adhering to Hoxhaism and e rejecting armed struggle. In 2019, PCR, failling to be legalized, created UP (Popular Unity), which acts as a legal "front" of PCR. PCR/UP exists to this day, and its very active in major cities, specially in Rio de Janeiro, specially with student organizations.
The other split was the "Red Fraction" inspired by the Communist Party of Peru and their People's War in the neighborring country, the Red Fraction adhered to Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, and started thes struggle to reconstitute the Communist Party of Brazil. The party first publicly appeared in 1999, with the events of the "Red Flag Village", a low income housing project in the State of Mato Grosso, where its population rebelled against the government for the lack of basic necessities such as clean water and electricity. P.C.B is the only party originating from the original P.C.B (excluding many trotskyst splits) that rejects electoralism and remains clandestine.
By 2022, the P.C.B dropped the "Red Fraction" from its name.
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